I'm thrilled to announce the opening of Joy Dance Lab Bellydance School in Eindhoven, where women can come together to dance, boost their confidence, embrace their feminine energy, and create lasting connections. it This is a space for fun, laughter, and amazing memories as we dance our hearts out! So Let's celebrate each other and the beautiful journey we're on together !
#joydancelab #brandevoort #eindhoven #helmond #brandevoortdeveste #bellydance #buikdans #buikdansen #buikdanseres #buikdanslessen #buikdansles #buikdansschool #eindhovendance #helmonddance #helmondfitness #eindhovencity #eindhovenevent #eindhovenevenementen #eindhovenexpat #eindhovenworkshop #strijps #bellydancelessons #danseorientale #danse #dancevideo #eindhovenexpatsladies #kronehoef #kronehoefstraat #bellydancelove #strijp-s